258 HYGIÈNE ALIMENTAIRE 10GN1/1 10GN2/1 15GN1/1 20GN1/1 5GN1/2 5GN1/1 7GN1/1 10GN1/1 15GN1/1 10GN1/1 15GN1/1 STANDARD EQUIPMENT •Made in stainless-steel. • Simple touch-sensitive control panel in tempered glass. • Main functions in series production versions: 2 RET cycles, 140 °C and 165 °C (French fries), one 80 °C holding cycle (automatic), adjustable air inlet. • Pre-adjustment of RET cycles designed for total compliance with the applicable legislation. • NF Food Hygiene Certification. + easy use • Permanent display and data securisation on front. • 2 RET cycles and 1 MET. • Timer with alarm for manual controlling or automatic controlling with a food probe. • Models available with or without humidification. + HACCP and traceability • Possibility of saving and archiving temperatures with the HACCP special traceability option. + performance and savings • Efficient insulation and 1 to 2 pulsed air turbines to ensure a more rapid and homogeneous heating (airflow deflectors). • Automatic turbine shutdown when opening the door. • According to the models, gain in cycle time and electrical consumption.. + easy handling • Ergonomic handles for closure. + quick and easy to clean • MODELS WITH TROLLEYS : radiated angles and smooth walls, detachable deflectors. • MODELS ON LEGS OR WITH WHEELS : solid interior with stamped rails and corners fitted with shelves (space between shelves : 81 mm). MODELS WITH TROLLEYS REMOVABLE MODELS MODELS ON LEGS