72 EXIGENCE 2 GN 1/1 3 GN 1/1 4 GN 1/1 5 GN 1/1 930 mm 1385 mm 1580 mm 1930 mm 820 mm 820 mm 820 mm 820 mm 900 mm 900 mm 900 mm 900 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 168 Kg 214 Kg 243 Kg 275 Kg 800 W 1185 W 1185 W 1440 W 1000 W 1450 W 1800 W 2350 W MBVP00021 MBVP00031 MBVP00041 MBVP00051 MBVP00121 MBVP00131 MBVP00141 MBVP00151 MBVP02021 MBVP02031 MBVP02041 MBVP02051 MBVP02121 MBVP02131 MBVP02141 MBVP02151 Code OEG010 OEG010 OEG012 Code OAC042 OAC042 OAC042 OAC042 Code OEG020 OEG020 OEG020 OEG020 Code PEG010 PEG010 PEG010 PEG010 Code OFG06 OFG08 OFG08 OFG11 AIR SYSTEM - MEDIUM TERM SERVICE - 4HR 1-LEVEL CHILLED DISPLAY DELI FREE STANDING ELEMENTS WITH “BLOWN AIR” WELL FOR GN-100 MM CONTAINERS AND 1-LEVEL AIR SYSTEM CHILLED DISPLAY DELI DELIVERED WITH CONDENSING UNIT Capacity Length Width Height Display case height Weight Cooling P. Electric P. (+ 1200 W with an optional evap. tray) LED lighting under the ceiling Curved Cubic Price* LED lighting under the ceiling and shelf Curved Cubic Price* Options One board or a shelf Price GN well Price 90° condensing unit (ventilation in the side of the technical premises) - per unit Price Unit against a wall (unit at 90° and access in the technical premises) (1) Price Without condensing unit (remote unit) Price (1) Laminated finish ventilation grill identical to the front * inc. €6 environmental contribution Note: for an element delivered without condensing unit, the release valves, the solenoid valve, the electric cabling unit and the electric thermostat are provided. Caution, depending on the cooling system, an evaporation pressure regulator may be required