441 L mm 260 200 600 670900 560 105 670907 L mm 190 130 145 670910 H mm W mm Code Price ICE CREAM CONES HOLDER Can hold and store any type of cones. Consists of 18 holes, 12 of which Ø 26 mm and 6 of Ø 31 mm. Thick Plexiglass walls on three sides. Stainless steel perforated base. CONE HOLDER AND SCOOPS ICE CREAM MAKING WALL MOUNTED ICE-CREAM CONE HOLDER Ice-cream cone holder. Tube interior: 54 mm. PMMA. D mm H mm Code Price Pack of 3 STACKABLE CONTAINERS Set of 3 self-service containers. Stackable, combinatory, transparent. Front opening with a handle. PMMA. STORAGE PROTECTED FROM DUST W mm H mm Code Price